31.01.23  |  13:30 - 15:15

International Talk 'Modern History of Ukraine: the path to Eurointergration'

Herzliche Einladung zum International Talk mit dem Thema 'Modern History of Ukraine: the path to Eurointergration' am Dienstag, den 31. Januar, um 13.30 Uhr in Raum P6.

Der Gastdozierende Prof. Dr. Ivan Balykin, der auch an der ‚European University‘ in Kiew unterrichtet, spricht in seinem Vortrag über die historische, politische, soziale und gesellschaftliche Orientierung der Ukraine hin zu Europa.

Eine Online-Teilnahme ist über folgenden Link ohne Voranmeldung möglich: https://eh-ludwigsburg-de.zoom.us/j/65972167076?pwd=SEpSaHgxVVE5SGNMK3RLUVdlbGV1dz09


Zum Rahmen seines Vortrags sagt Ivan Balykin selbst: „Right now, the twelfth month of the Russian military brutal invasion of Ukraine is going on. But the war began already several years ago in 2014, when Russia decided to redirect Ukraine from the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement. This political dialogue between the EU and Ukraine began in 1994, when the Partnership and co-operation agreement between the European community, and Ukraine was signed. And although Putin chose to disrupt this process in several ways, e.g., through the occupation of the Donbas region and annexation of Crimea, the Ukrainian people have chosen the European way of further development. In reaction to this, on the 24th of February 2022, Russia brutally invaded Ukraine. Since then, Ukraine fights its way to EU membership.“

Wir freuen uns über Ihr Kommen und einen interessanten Austausch.

Prof. Dr. Ivan Balykin

Gastprofessor an der EH Ludwigsburg

Professor an der 'European University' in Kiew