The Office for Recognition of Prior Learning
The office takes care of the following topics:
- Advice on possibilities of recognition of prior learning in the Bachelor's degree programs in Social Work, International Social Work, Religious Education, Diaconal Studies and 'Heilpaedagogic'
- Support with the application process and application review
- Advice on an individual plan of study and on the flexible design of the study plan
- Contact person for prospective students, students and lecturers
- Support on the above-mentioned topics during the entire period of study
If you have questions regarding recognition of prior learning for other study programs at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg, please contact the respective program directors. For general concerns regarding the organization of your studies and the recognition of prior university achievements, please contact the Student Services.
Please direct your inquiries to the following e-mail address: anrechnung(at)
Recognition of competencies acquired outside of higher education
You have the possibility to have competences (knowledge and skills) acquired outside the university to be recognised to your studies. This can be
- vocational training (e.g. for educators),
- competences acquired in the course of professional activity or certified further and advanced training or
- informally acquired competencies
The decisive factor is whether the competencies already acquired are equivalent to the competencies to be acquired in the course of study (in one or more module(s)). Both the content and the level are relevant here.
At the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg, general recognition is possible for certain prior knowledge. You can find an overview of the possibilities on this page. In addition, you have the possibility to apply for individual recognition of prior learning at any time. Please contact the office for recognition of prior learning for advice.
Please also have a look at the FAQs (further down on this page).
General recognition is possible for:
1. State-approved educators
in the Bachelor's degree programs:
- Social Work
- International Social Work
- Religious Education
- Diaconal Studies
2. Graduates of the Fachschule für Sozialwesen mit Fachrichtung Sozialpädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Jugend- und Heimerziehung in Trägerschaft der Sophienpflege, Evang. Einrichtungen für Jugendhilfe Tübingen e.V.
- in the Bachelor's degree program Social Work
3. Graduates of the Fachschule für Religionspädagogik, Diakonie und Verkündigung an der Evangelischen Missionsschule Unterweissach
in the Bachelor's degree programs
- Social Work
- Religious Education
4. Graduates of the Fachschule für Gemeindepädagogik und Mission am Theologischen Seminar Adelshofen S
- in the Bachelor's degree program in Religious Education
For more information and details on the general regognition options, please contact the Office for recognition of prior learning.
Flexible study plan
The Office for Recognition of prior learning will be happy to assist you in creating your individual study plan. This is possible for the Bachelor's degree programs in Social Work, International Social Work, Religious Education and Diaconal Studies.
For further information, please contact the Office for Recognition of prior learning.
Please also have a look at the FAQs (further down on this page).
FAQ on flexibilization
To all students in the Bachelor's degree programs
- Social Work,
- International Social Work,
- Diaconal Studies and
- Religious Education
are offered the possibility to study at an individual pace. This means that the study plan can be put together independently within a certain framework and modules do not have to be taken in a fixed semester. For students, this results in an extended maximum duration of study of 18 semesters. More detailed information can be found in the corresponding study and examination regulations.
At the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg, it is possible to study at an individual pace in the Bachelor's degree programs Social Work, International Social Work, Diaconal Studies and Religious Education at any time. For this, a regular application and admission for studies in the respective degree programs is necessary. Information on the application process can be found here.
Bachelor students from the 2nd semester onwards must register for courses/modules via the HISinOne portal. Detailed information on this as well as enrollment periods can be found in the HISinOne portal. Excluded from this procedure are all students of the Bachelor's program Education in Childhood (Childhood Pedagogy), for which the enrollment takes place via the LSF portal of the University of Education Ludwigsburg.
For the enrollment of courses/modules in the 1st semester, you will receive more detailed information and an introduction to the HISinOne portal during the introductory week.
Students with special challenges are granted the right to take courses preferentially upon request. You can find more information on the right to preferential enrollment here.
If you have any questions regarding the individual design of the study plan, please contact the office for recognition of prior learning.
It is recommended to study on the basis of the recommended study plan. However, in the Bachelor's degree programs in Social Work, International Social Work, Diaconal Studies and Religious Education, it is generally possible to arrange the sequence of modules independently within a certain framework. In doing so, the prerequisites for admission to individual modules stated in the module handbooks must be observed. You can find more detailed information in the corresponding module manuals or in the study and examination regulations. For this purpose, please also make use of the advisory service offered by the office for recognition of prior learning.
FAQ on recognition
You can have competencies and achievements acquired outside of higher education be recognised to your study program, such as:
- vocational training (e.g. for educators),
- competences acquired in the course of professional activity or certified further and advanced training or
- informally acquired competencies
For the recognition of prior learning, a regular application and admission in the respective degree program is required. More detailed information on the application procedure can be found here. More detailed information on the recognition of prior learning can be found in the study and examination regulations or in our handout (under Downloads).
For certain vocational qualifications, the equivalence between the competencies to be acquired in modules of the study program and the existing competencies was verified once in advance. The results of this comparison are thus potentially relevant for all graduates of the vocational qualification to be recognised. Students with the corresponding qualification are granted a general recognition without individual examination upon application. Please take advantage of the non-binding advisory service offered by the office for recognition of prior learning.
Which competencies - in addition to general recognition - are recognised always depends on the individual case.
Individual recognition of prior learning is particularly useful for people who have already completed training or have professional experience. However, other further training or proof of voluntary work can also be recognised if equivalent. Please make use of the non-binding advisory service offered by the Office of recognition of prior learning. Here you will receive an assessment of which modules you may be able to have recognised.
In principle, recognition of prior learning is possible in all degree programs. Detailed regulations and general options may differ between the study programs. Please contact the Office of recognition of prior learning and consult the respective study and examination regulations for more information.
Applications for the recognition of prior learning can be submitted to the Office for recognition of prior learning after enrollment. It is recommended that you take advantage of a non-binding consultation with the Office for recognition of prior learning in advance. You will receive an estimate of how many modules may be recognised on your study program.
You will receive the applications and forms for recognition of prior learning in the course of the consultation. You can find a diagram illustrating the application procedure for credit transfer requests in our handout (under Downloads).
The respective study and examination regulations specify whether and to what extent relevant practical periods can be recognised. Whether practical activities performed outside of the university can be recognised to the practical study semester must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Please take advantage of the advice offered by the Office for recognition of prior learning.
No, in principle applications for recognition of prior learning can be submitted at any time. However, in order to ensure a smooth and speedy procedure, it is recommended to submit the applications directly after enrollment in the program or before the beginning of the next semester.
If you would like to make use of the recognition of prior learning, please contact the Office for recognition of prior learning, if possible, before you apply for a study place or before the next enrollment phase of the following semester.
At the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg, modules conclude with a final module examination that tests all competencies acquired in the module from all associated courses. Normally, modules are recognised without a grade and recorded as passed. This can lead to a change in the weighting of grades. If a module examination must be completed, it should be noted that this must always be taken as an overall examination. This means that competencies acquired in recognised courses of the module can also be examined.
Cooperation in the Social Work Credit Network
We are very pleased to cooperate with our partner universities in the Social Work Credit Network.