The university has set itself the goal of establishing a culture of mindfulness and initiating protection processes. This also applies to the digital space.
On September 1, 2022, the guidelines of the Protestant University for the prevention and protection against sexualized violence came into force. This protection concept against sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg can be found here:
To the protection concept (in german)
Have you experienced abuse of power and sexualized violence at the university?
You can contact the following persons internally:
Student contact persons:
- Lisa Schulz-Achelis (schulzachelis(at)
- Lena Weigelt (weigelt(at)
Assault or harassment in the student dormitory
For you, the university and the dormitory may belong together. For you, everything looks like a campus. In case of assault or harassment in the dormitory, please contact
- in Ludwigsburg to Katharina Eggert (katharina.eggert(at)
- in Reutlingen the counseling center of the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim: Link to Studierendenwerk
External contact persons
If you are unable to reach us or prefer to seek advice from external contacts, the following options are available to you, for example:
Regional Office of the Psychological Counseling Centers in the Evang. Landeskirche in Württemberg (Landesstelle der Psychologischen Beratungsstellen in der Evang. Landeskirche in Württemberg)
Management: Dipl.-Psych. Susanne Bakaus
Augustenstr. 39 B
70178 Stuttgart
Tel. 0711 669586
Mobile 0178 8090165

Women for Women e.V. Ludwigsburg (Frauen für Frauen e.V. Ludwigsburg)
Tel. 07141 220870
This women's counseling center offers counseling and support for women from 21 years. You can find help in Ludwigsburg. To make an appointment for a counseling session, please dial: 07141 901170.
Silberdistel Counseling Center (Beratungsstelle Silberdistel)
Myliusstr. 2A in Ludwigsburg
Tel. 07141 6887190
Counseling center for young women under 21 years
Help hotline violence against women (Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen)
Tel. 08000 116 016
Here you can get advice round the clock by phone, an instant chat as well as online advice. The counseling service is available in various languages and in sign language.
Help hotline violence against men (Hilfetelefon Gewalt an Männern)
Phone 0800 1239900
If you have experienced violence as a man, including sexualized violence, please contact this help hotline.
The number offers telephone counseling, but also chat counseling, which, however, only takes place at special times. Follow the link to the homepage, there you will find the different counseling services.
Psychological counseling center Reutlingen (Psychologische Beratungsstelle Reutlingen)
Head of department Dipl. Psych Zrinka Lucic-Vrhovac
Gartenstr. 17 72764 Reutlingen
Tel. 07121 334547
Celebrate mindfully - Nachtsame location
Together with students we agree: sexualized violence and discrimination has no place when celebrating at our university. That's why students from the BBK team and Campus Libertatis (university festival) have undergone training. They provide an awareness team and offer support.
The EH Ludwigsburg is a cooperation partner of the campaign:

More information about the Nachtsam campaign for more safety when celebrating can be found in the report from regioTV:
To the TV report (in german)